Monograms are one of those crazes that never dies. I can remember when I was in high school (and remember I have a 3 year old granddaughter) we would wear 100% wool sweaters…
DIY Doormats
Personalized doormats are becoming the craze! I have seen some pretty cute and funny doormats on Social Media. I tried my hand at a couple of DIY Doormats and wanted to share them…
DIY Easter fun!
Easter is such a fun time of the year! It is the time of year when we bring in those pastel colors and get ready for spring! We have created a few very…
Saint Patrick’s Day DIY
We have been having a lot of fun making Saint Patrick’s Day DIY decor. Below you will see some of the items we made to stage on our front porch. We prefer to…
DIY crafts with tin cans! YES, you can-can!
DIY crafts using everyday tin cans you have in your household. GREAT opportunity to do some DIY crafts with the kids! I prefer the minimalist look (thank goodness, because anything else could not…
Welcome to our Blog!!
My daughter, Lauren, and I love to do DIY projects. I must say a Mother-Daughter duo can bring some pretty significant dynamics to the table (there is a slight….well..maybe MORE than slight…..generation gap).…