Organization Ideas,  Our Favorites

Closet Organization

I am sure we all have good intentions when we make New Year’s resolutions. If you are like me, my resolutions always include some type of organization. With that said there are times when we get “off track”. In the midst of this COVID 19 pandemic we should all be spending more time at home…..perfect opportunity to complete some projects (or New Year’s resolutions) that have been lingering. Purging your wardrobe and reorganizing your closet is one perfect project that you can tackle. See below how I laid out my plan to execute a closet organization project. Be sure to keep checking our website for other ideas.

FIRST – Define your Organization goals

Don’t be too generic when defining your goal… specific and most important, be realistic. If your goal is small and can be done in a matter of hours (like cleaning out your refrigerator) then you should have no trouble accomplishing it. BUT if your goal is bigger (like purging your closet) then you may want to “chunk it up” into reasonable timelines.

MY GOAL DEFINED: One of my goals was to tackle a closet organization project that included purging my wardrobe and reorganizing my closet. I have a small closet and I don’t rotate seasonal clothes, so this was a challenge.

SECOND – Make a Reasonable Plan

Make a plan by basically carving out reasonable time to accomplish your goal and define what you want to accomplish during that time.

MY PLAN – I knew I had a big task in front of me. SO I planned on taking 2 Saturdays to accomplish it. When I purge I like to do a FIRST purge and a SECOND purge. I always find additional items to get rid of in the SECOND purge that I did not catch in the FIRST purge.

THIRD – Determine if you can “Go Big”

If you are going to set a goal, see if there is any way you can GO BIG! There is nothing wrong with taking anything to the next level. Trust me, it will make you feel like you have just won the lottery.

MY “GO BIG” – I wasn’t happy with my current closet system, but I knew I could not spend a lot of money. It was very tempting to hire one of those companies to just create my closet for me BUT it was just not in my budget. I now needed to find a closet system that would work for me.

FOURTH – If you can “Go Big”, Plan it

Now if you have determined that you can “go big” you will need to make your plan. Define the amount of time you will need and define what you want to get accomplished.

MY “GO BIG” PLAN – I decided to plan a weekend to install a new closet system but I needed to find my new closet. After much internet research I discovered that the Home Depot website had a Custom Closet tool that helped me create a closet system that was affordable and would work for me. This site was great and told me exactly what parts we needed to purchase once I decided on the layout of my closet. It gave me a great layout of how my closet would look.

Here is my final Closet Organization project!

Closet organization.  New closet system

I told you my closet was small….now you can understand why I had to purge.

If you get off track don’t abandon your goal. Just take a step back and regroup OR start all over if that is needed. Once you give yourself reasonable expectations you can get back on track. Besides, it is only April….you still have 8 months to go if this was a New Year’s resolution.

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