Our Favorites,  Repurposes

Thrifty is Nifty

My mother is a recycle fiend….I don’t necessarily mean recycle as in putting your recyclable plastics and paper in the correct recycle bin (she does do that too).  BUT what am referring to is that she repurposes EVERYTHING!  For example, you know on the inside of your cereal box there is that waxy plastic bag on the inside of the box……well, my mother keeps those bags and stores food items in them like plastic bags.  (They work really well. Besides that “bullet-proof” waxy paper probably does “keep” food items better than the flimsy zipper bags.) I always thought those bags inside the box were annoying because I could never open them gracefully.  Mom found repurpose in my nemesis. I have realized I now look for “repurpose” in A LOT of things I would have never thought of.  Over time I will share with you these repurposes either by me OR my mother OR maybe even my daughter, Lauren.  I can honestly say Lauren, is not quite at this point yet.  BUT there is hope….the other day she told me she was considering saving an empty pickle jar!!!!  I am SO PROUD of her!

Hey Lauren, I saved you a pickle jar!!! Let’s get to work!

If you have any “Nifty Thrifty” ideas please let us know. You never know….you may not be the only one doing it.


  • Nancy Benfield

    Way to go, Lauren! Recycled pickle jars are among my favorite storage containers for leftovers, etc. Shorter jars (i.e., salsa and dip jars) are also great because they too have wide openings. Glass jars store easily and one does not have to guess at the contents. Currently one shelf in our toy closet holds 15 glass jars of Legos, each housing a different color. This makes it easier for great-grandson Ayden to locate a certain Lego piece. Smaller jars are convenient for craft projects, whether to store small objects such as beads or sequins or to hold pencils, markers or water for paint brushes. So, Lauren, do recycle those pickle jars! “Recycle Fiend” Mawmaw B

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