Organization Ideas,  Our Favorites

Be Safe.

This is a blog post “on the fly”. With everything that has been going on lately we have not been able to do much crafting. We are fortunate enough to be able to still work so when we would normally be crafting on the weekends we are spending our time staying safe and trying to be as clean as possible.

This weekend I have been in the “cleaning/disinfecting” mode. I hope everyone is taking extra steps to make your surroundings as safe as possible. I wanted to share with you a few things that I have done this weekend.

Saturday I spent most of the day sanitizing. It is SO hard to be able to make your house 100% sanitary BUT what is the harm in trying. I sanitized all door handles, drawer pulls, cabinet pulls, light switches, toilet handles, sink handles…..basically I tried to think of anything I would reach for. It was a great opportunity to mix Spring cleaning with sanitizing-craze. When I got to the the exterior doors of the house I took extra time to go ahead and wipe down EVERYTHING! We have dogs so the low areas where they rub against the door frames were extremely grungy. Those ALL got cleaned! Then I proceeded to mop with sanitizer.

NOW TODAY (Sunday) I am in the mode of cleaning/sanitizing my refrigerator and my pantry. I am sure you have been stocking up on food like everyone else. The fact of the matter is we are basically putting in our refrigerator and pantry what MANY hands have already touched. SO right now I am cleaning my refrigerator and freezer….THEN I will move on to the pantry.

I wanted to share with you my refrigerator cleaning….it is mainly common sense BUT why not share. The first image below is my embarassing “before” photo. This is my refrigerator BEFORE the cleaning.

Refrigerator before the clean
Embarassing….but true!!!

I took EVERYTHING out of the refrigerator (doing refrigerator side first….THEN will go go freezer) and went through ALL of the food. It is amazing how many things I had to throw out. I pride myself on really trying to know what is in my refrigerator BUT I take for granted those expiration dates. I thought Olives lived forever!!!

NEXT are some photos of when I removed EVERY shelf and EVERY bin. I washed them in hot soap and water and then put them back in place.

Refrigerator cleaning shelves and bins

NEXT I wiped down with sanitizer EVERYTHING that was to go back into the refrigerator. We just did some grocery shopping yesterday so MANY hands have touched the items we have. I then put everything back in the refrigerator.

Refrigerator cleaned

I am going to take these same steps on the Freezer side of my refrigerator and in my pantry. My goal is to wipe down EVERYTHING!


My husband decided to sanitize our coffee maker. We have one of those single cup coffee makers. He got on YouTube to see how to REALLY clean it good. We were AMAZED at how much grunge was in that thing!!!! (I’m starting to wonder if our coffee maker started this virus!!!!) I urge you to think of what can be cleaned in your house that you haven’t thought of.

FINAL tip…

Do you ever have those favorite candles that will not burn any more because the wick is just too short? AND do you have a warmer on your stove top? If so, place your candle on the warmer of your stove top. Turn your warmer on setting 1 or 2. It will create the same candle aroma as if it was lit. See below photo of our latest candle on our stove top warmer.

Candle on stovetop

Please stay safe!

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